El Rey Al Desnudo / The King in the Nude

El Rey Al Desnudo / The King in the Nude
Kategorier: Biografier
224 SEK
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El libro m s pol mico sobre el rey em rito Juan Carlos I y su ca da en desgracia.

- Qu hay detr s de la trama judicial, econ mica y pasional cuyo gran protagonista ha sido el rey Juan Carlos I, ahora em rito?

- Qu hay detr s de la guerra entre quien fuera Jefe de Estado y su examante Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn por el bot n de cien millones de d lares «regalado por el rey Abdulla de Arabia Saud ?

- Qu papel han jugado el omnipresente comisario Villarejo y otros personajes secundarios, pero igualmente sugerentes, de esta historia?
- Qui n teme ver al rey em rito Juan Carlos I despojado de todos sus «ropajes ?

Con su caracter stico esp ritu incisivo, el periodista de investigaci n Ernesto Ekaizer recrea en El rey al desnudo los principales episodios de la ca da de Juan Carlos I, uno de los reyes m s longevos y populares de la historia de Espa a. A partir del an lisis de documentos fidedignos, este relato de abuso de poder e impunidad detalla c mo el rey dilapid su prestigio, en una serie de truculentos episodios que han puesto en riesgo la estabilidad de la monarqu a de Espa a. Con esta obra, lectores e historiadores ya disponen ahora del libro de referencia en torno a la materia.


The most controversial book about former King Juan Carlos I and his fall from grace.

- What’s behind the legal, economic, and passional plot, whose main character is former King Juan Carlos I?

- What’s behind the war between his former Chief of State and his former lover Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Saynover the loot of one hundred million dollars ‘gifted’ by King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia?

- What was the role of ubiquitous commissionerVillarejo and other supporting, though equally suggestive, characters in this story?

- Who is afraid of seeing the former King Juan Carlos I stripped away of all his ‘guise’?

In The King in the Nude, investigative journalist Ernesto Ekaizer recreates, with his particularly sharp spirit, the most relevant chapters of Juan Carlos’ downfall, one of the most longevous and popular kings in the history of Spain. Based on the analysis of reliable material, this tale of abuse of office and impunity elaborates on how the king dilapidated his prestige in a series of gruesome episodes, jeopardizingthe stability of Spain’s monarchy. With this work, readers and historians now have a reference book about it.