Vivos se los llevaron: Buscando a los 43 de Ayotzinapa
En un crimen que estremeci el mundo, la polic a Mexicana secuestr 43 estudiantes de la escuela normal Ayotzinapa. No hay ning n rastro de ellos.
Esta novela gr fica ilustra este momento cruel en la historia actual de M xico con testimonios de los j venes que esquivaron las balas, los padres y madres que buscan sus hijos, y las periodistas valientes que documentan el caso.
Esta desaparici n masiva revel las fallas de la supuesta ‘guerra contra el narco’ la lucha en defensa de la educaci n publica y c mo miles de personas en el mundo se unieron al lema, Vivos se los llevaron, Vivos los queremos.
Taken Alive: The Search for the 43 Ayotzinapa Students
In a crime that stunned the world, Mexican police kidnapped 43 student teachers from the Ayotzinapa college. There is still no trace of them.
This graphic novel illustrates this cruel moment in Mexican history through first person testimonies by the young men who dodged bullets, the parents who tirelessly search for their missing children and the brave journalists who report on the case.
Ayotzinapa is an open wound where reality surpasses fiction. This mass disappearance revealed the failures of the war on drugs and the ongoing battle for public education while inspiring thousands of people across the globe to demand that the students who were TAKEN ALIVE, be brought home, ALIVE.